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Displaying 1- 2 of 2 records found
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Eucalyptus crenulata

Silver Or Buxton Gum

Maroondah Highway,, BUXTON VIC 3711 - Property No T11258

Rare or localised This tree is a member of a species endemic to Victoria but listed as rare or threatened. Although it is common in cultivation, the species occurs naturally only in two locations in Victoria, Buxton and Yering. The first site, near Buxton, contains a substantial population of more than 1000 trees. The second, near Yering, contains some 25 trees. The health of these trees is at risk by the parasitic Dodder Laurel. The tree is located 3.2km by ... more



Eucalyptus crenulata

Silver Or Buxton Gum

Spadonis Reserve Victoria Road, COLDSTREAM VIC 3770 - Property No T11812

Rare orlocalised Although the Buxton or SilverGum is common in cultivation it occurs naturally in only two locations and furthermore is endemic to Victoria. The other stand, near Buxton, contains more than 100 trees. The area near Yering contains some 25 trees and both populations are well documented in "The Register of Rare and Endangered Native Plant Species in Victoria" maintained by LaTrobe University. Measurements: c1981 Spread (m): ... more

